Slip-and-Fall Injuries

Many people aren’t aware that they can be seriously injured from a slip-and-fall incident on another person or a company’s property, yet slip-and-fall events are one of the leading causes of back injuries. A slip-and-fall case is known as a premises liability claim. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, slip-and-fall injuries are the leading reason for emergency room visits, with more than 8 million people visiting an emergency room each year after they’ve fallen.
Whether you’ve fallen in a grocery store, a parking lot, a friend’s home or somewhere else, the property owner may be liable for damages if he or she knew or reasonably should have known about the dangerous conditions that led to your fall. Foreseeability is an important consideration in any slip-and-fall claim.
Common reasons for slip-and-fall incidents include slippery floors; spills that haven’t been cleaned up; loose, torn, or warped carpeting or flooring; inadequate lighting; lack of warning signs; buckled, cracked or uneven pavement and curbs; potholes; exposed tree roots; and unsafe or unmarked open construction zones. Falls also frequently occur when entering or existing a building and on stairwells. In most of these cases, the circumstances leading to the dangerous conditions was foreseeable and the injury could have been prevented. It is the landowner’s failure to identify and fix the problems that leads to liability.
The Mager Law Group team has experience with slip-and-fall accident and injuries. We devote whatever resources are necessary to investigate each case thoroughly, identify and coordinate insurance benefits that can provide payment of medical expenses and lost wages and work diligently to share our client’s story with the insurance adjuster, the trial court, the judge, or the jury.
If you or your loved one has been injured as a result of a fall that could have been prevented, contact us today. Mager Law Group has offices located in Denver, Loveland and Fort Collins. All initial consultations are free and contingency fee arrangements are available.